Our article featured in a Nature Communications Editors’ Highlights webpage

The editors at Nature Communications have put together an Editors’ Highlights webpage of recent research called “Materials science and chemistry” and are pleased to inform you that the handling editor chose to feature your article, entitled “Excellently balanced water-intercalation-type heat-storage oxide”.

The webpage can be accessed at www.nature.com/collections/eecgdgijhh and is linked prominently on our journal homepage (https://www.nature.com/ncomms/) and a dedicated Editors’ Highlights page (https://www.nature.com/ncomms/editorshighlights).

We would encourage you to share the webpage on social media and with any colleagues you may think are interested.

The Editors’ Highlights pages aim to showcase the 50 best papers recently published in an area, and we routinely replace papers as more great research is published at Nature Communications.

Thank you again for publishing your interesting work with us.

Best wishes,

The Nature Communications team